Rule #1 Travel Quotes

"Once a year, go some place you've never been before."

Dalai Lama

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Finding Joy in the Journey

Things we've learned so far:

1. Dad's jokes get funnier for the first 2 hours of sleep deprivation.
2. Dad's jokes then get less funny in exponential inverse proportions for every hour past that. It's a true mathematical equation. Someone call NASA.
3. Mom's irritation levels have a direct correlation with above equation.
4. Isaac is capable of walking through 3 terminals, a hotel lobby, 3 flights of stairs, and a hallway to a hotel room without any memory of it.
5. Noah can sleep sitting up.
6. Anna has already had to conquer one fear...flying. Part of the experience this summer was to challenge each of us, so well, check.
7. All our years of going to Disneyland have prepared us for hours of standing in lines at airports.
8. Our Portuguese is lacking. However, movie subtitles are an excellent language crash-course.
9. Drinking fountains are evidently an American innovation.
10. Everything in the Lisbon Airport smells like cigarettes.

We made it across the Atlantic!

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